Product Details:
Paperback: 268 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Reissue edition (March 9, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521024420
ISBN-13: 978-0521024426
Product Dimensions:
9 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Editorial Reviews Review "In a richly suggestive reading, Keats, Andrew Bennett, storytelling and the public merchants of doubt pdf. The posthumous life of writing, the poetry of Keats locates the tension between narrative and lyric, public and poets both public and private motor Bennett book is its articulation of new instabilities Keatsian familiar contradictions and paradoxes as an effect of what Bennett terms of Keats's language errors ,' merchants of doubt pdf..." The Wordsworth Circle "... A lively, interesting and very worthwhile study .... The forces are at work on the mind of Bennett and energy, a flair for innovation convincingly and brilliantly authentic Keatsian for poems, passages, and the lines surfaces erudition analysis is remarkable, the first writers such as Claude Lee Finney and Earl Wasserman, without apology, and recent writers such as Marjorie Levinson Tilottama Rajan and enthusiastic -. some 300 scientists, critics and theorists are published in the seventy pages of notes and bibliography end cited. Bennett succeeds, the very useful resurrect points of scholars now totally forgotten. This is a very impressive achievement. "Jack Stillinger, literature of the nineteenth century" when he makes his attention to the poems, appears Bennett will be an excellent close reader. ... it's a very clever book, and my brief summary does not do justice to the subtlety of the argument clear and fine critical intelligence on each side. It offers a highly theorized and well reasoned statement of Keats' ambivalent attitude to his audience as all previous study. Bennett is even read a critical challenging and rewarding, and with this book, he made an important contribution to the study of Keats. "Waldoff Leon, Studies in Romanticism
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